Just Dinner
Just Dinner is a dinner focused on issues of justice. It is an open group that meets every quarter for dinner and discussion on topics of theology, faith, and life that is of particular interest to pastors, leaders, church staff, and volunteers.
Why gather around food? "Food is God's love made nutritious and delicious, given for the good of each other. The mundane act of eating is thus a daily invitation to move responsibly and gratefully within this given life. It is a summons to commune with the divine Life that is presupposed and made manifest in every bite" – Food & Faith, A Theology of Eating.
Just Dinners are a safe place for conversations you may not want to have in church. We believe "Everyone's A Theologian" because any time you think and talk about God, life, faith, doubt, the Bible, etc., you are doing theology. Everyone's voice matters. So we hope you will join us.
Sign up for the next Just Dinner below!
Discernment Coaching (3 sessions) $300
Planting and Transition Process Coaching (6 sessions) $600
Coaching Bundle (12 monthly sessions) $900
Being a Church Planter or being part of a Church Planting Team has its unique challenges but was never met to be a solo experience. You need a community of people to help you discern what God is doing and where he is taking you. At P2P, we want to provide at least one member of your discernment community to walk alongside you as part of a new spiritual board of directors in your life. The coaching will focus on the holistic health of the planter, the systems thinking of the church plant and prayer covering it all.
Spiritual direction can be a tremendous gift for you when you’re a church planter.
In his book called Spiritual Direction, Henri Nouwen writes, “A block of marble cannot carve itself, it needs a sculptor. An athlete needs a person trainer or coach. Likewise, a person of faith will certainly benefit from a spiritual director. We are all very susceptible to self-deception and are not always able to detect our own fearful games or blind spots.”
Our self-deception knows no bounds. This is true for all of us, but there’s a particular way this sits with a church planter. Planters are pioneers and entrepreneurs. They are visionary. If you’re a planter, you do what you do because you can see something the rest of us are missing. But sorting through what’s from God and what’s from you requires discernment in community.
Spiritual Direction provides one arena to discern, as Nouwen calls them, our “fearful games” and “blind spots.”
We are providing individual spiritual direction sessions as well as a built in spiritual direction monthly session for our cohort participants. If you would like individual sessions and are part of the Passion2Plant family we can work that out.
Let us know what you are interested in and we will send you a payment invoice to begin the process.
Passion2Plant Network is in partnership with The Council of Holistic Christian Churches and Ministries which was founded by Bishop Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera a pioneer in the Latino church community for utilizing Dr. Rene Padilla's concept of misión integral (integral mission) and conceptualizing the development of a holistic ministry center called the Urban Ministry Complex of the Latino Pastoral Action Center. The foundation of this council is built upon the four principles of holistic ministry (liberation, healing, community, transformation) and those who are committed to using these principles in what Rev. Ray calls the Four Pillars of Community Life (families, schools, community-based organizations and churches).Those who seek credentials from CHCCM are people committed to not only individual salvation but social transformation in their communities. Prospective candidates can hold credentials through a denomination but wish to affiliate with CHCCM for their like-mindedness in the area of holistic ministry and their desire to fellowship and learn from others who are committed to the same. CHCCM has ministers in NY, FL and in the Caribbean, particularly Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and soon is expanding to Cuba.Benefits of the holding CHCCM credentials is the continuous learning via biennial conferences and yearly regional gatherings in the area of holistic ministry, captivity theology intersectional ministry by nationally recognized leaders especially (but not exclusively) from within the Latino church.Passion2Plant pathway participants who choose to be considered for ministry credentials from CHCCM would begin their one year journey on the credentials pathway beginning in season 3 of the Passion2Plant pathway.
Dr. Rios serves as the Florida Superintendent and would love to have a conversation about your interest in CHCCM. If you are interested in learning more about the next credentials cohort, please fill out the inquiry form below.